Quality Rodent Control in Perth
Rodent Control, including mice, Rattus rattus (black rats/roof rats) and Norway rats are common pests in Perth. Let Vertex Pest and weed come and sort them out for you. Extremely experienced in removing rodents from even the most complex situations we can get the job done for you. Contact us here – or call 1300 08 7378
Rats while cautious and neophobic creatures can cause significant damage to homes and pose health risks due to the diseases they carry.

Mice (Mus domesticus):
Mice are small rodents that reproduce rapidly. Females are capable of producing litters every three weeks. They typically have a lifespan of one to two years. Mice can access various parts of your home by squeezing through tiny openings. We have a rule of thumb in pest control that a mouse can fit through any gap you can get your pinkie finger into. A rat can get into any gap you can stick your thumb into so proofing for these creatures can be extremely difficult. They build nests in secluded areas such as sheds, wall cavities, and crawl spaces, where they can breed and cause havoc.
Roof Rats (Rattus rattus):
These are the most common rats in Perth (at least the ones we see) they are a slender rat with a tail longer than its body and are agile climbers. They are skilled at scaling trees, walls, and entering homes through the smallest of gaps. Black rats reproduce rapidly, with females producing multiple litters per year. Their average lifespan is around one to two years. Through their constant urination these rats can contaminate your food and living areas. This is why this pest is one you should call Vertex to handle.
Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus):
Norway rats (brown rats/sewer rats), are larger with a more robust appearance. They are excellent diggers and tend to create burrows in gardens and under buildings. Norway rats are less agile climbers than roof rats but are exceptional swimmers. They are adaptable and highly resilient, making them challenging to control.

All Rats have constantly growing front teeth that need to be ground down by, they do this by gnawing on things like wire, wood and metal hence causing damage to your home and increasing the risk of house fires.
DIY Pest control can work for rodents but at Vertex Pest Control we encourage you not to just throw bait into the roof void as this can be removed by rodents and place your children and pets at risk. Use stations that the rodents can enter and consume the bait. Or you could avoid the risks associated by contacting Vertex Pest Control.
At Vertex Pest and Weed we take environmental safety extremely seriously and want to protect our native predatory bird species. Therefore please talk to us about your options to reduce the risk of secondary poisoning to Native Birds and Reptiles. Find out what you can do.
Only Using Top Quality Products from Bell Laboratories Vertex Pest and Weed know we can get the job done. Also Having issues with other pests click here to see what we can do for you.
Are your rodents at a commercial property that you own or manage Click Here